Hassan Nasrallah love

Hassan Nasrallah


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  • Arab media were left scratching their heads; could the Mossad have been so inept as to fail to distinguish that there are many Arabs who have the name Hassan Nasrallah and in doing so capture a farmer who had nothing to do with Hezbollah?

    - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community Marco Villa 2010

  • Arab media were left scratching their heads; could the Mossad have been so inept as to fail to distinguish that there are many Arabs who have the name Hassan Nasrallah and in doing so capture a farmer who had nothing to do with Hezbollah?

    - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community Marco Villa 2010

  • Arab media were left scratching their heads; could the Mossad have been so inept as to fail to distinguish that there are many Arabs who have the name Hassan Nasrallah and in doing so capture a farmer who had nothing to do with Hezbollah?

    - Latest Popular Stories, Instablogs Community Marco Villa 2010

  • WEDEMAN: "Hassan Nasrallah," says this woman, referring to the leader of Hezbollah.

    CNN Transcript Jul 14, 2006 2006

  • He is locked into supporting the rejectionists such as Hassan Nasrallah´s Hizballah and Khaled Mashaal of Hamas, and being supported by the mullahs of Tehran, both as a bulwark against the West and as an anchor amidst a sea of Syrian Sunnis.

    American Chronicle 2009

  • He is locked into supporting the rejectionists such as Hassan Nasrallah´s Hizballah and Khaled Mashaal of Hamas, and being supported by the mullahs of Tehran, both as a bulwark against the West and as an anchor amidst a sea of Syrian Sunnis.

    American Chronicle 2009

  • Hassan Nasrallah said most Syrians still back Assad and he urged them to "protect their country" and give the Syrian leadership a chance to implement reforms.

    UN Experts to Consider Proposal Condemning Syria 2011

  • The comments from Hassan Nasrallah - his first public remarks since the government's collapse - set the stage for what are likely to be lengthy negotiations on forming a new government, stalling Lebanese institutions and frustrating the nation.

    Hezbollah leader defends decision to bring down Lebanon's government Leila Fadel 2011

  • The comments from Hassan Nasrallah - his first public remarks since the government's collapse - set the stage for what are likely to be lengthy negotiations on forming a new government, stalling Lebanese institutions and frustrating the nation.

    Hezbollah leader defends decision to bring down Lebanon's government Leila Fadel 2011

  • There were reports of Syrian demonstrators burning images of Hassan Nasrallah, Hezbollah's leader, and calling President Assad "Iran's puppy" or "the Nuzair butcher."

    Haggai Carmon: Iran, Russia and Hezbollah: Strange Bedfellows in Syria Haggai Carmon 2011


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